Category Archives: transport

Air Pollution in Derby and other Green Forum matters

The Derby Green Forum was held on Thursday 25 May 2017 and was attended by 33 people, from a wide variety of backgrounds. Three councillors were there (the Deputy Leader of the Council – Martin Rawson, Lucy Care and the new mayor – John Whitby (who said that his priority was promoting all green agenda) along with a number a number of officers from Derby City Council.

The notes for the meeting can be accessed by clicking here  Derby Green Forum Minutes 25 May 2017.

Air Pollution was the principal item . The map, shown above, shows the relationship between traffic and air pollution. This has been taken from the presentation by Karl Suschitzky’s,  from the City Council  Environmental Protection team. This is merely a screen shot from the Council’s public mapping portal which is available for access by anyone at the following address:  then you need to use the ‘choose an option’ drop downs in the top left corner to select ‘environment and protection’ and then select the ‘air quality management areas’ layer. Helpfully, you can zoom in on any specific location to look at the air quality in more detail in specific areas. Continue reading Air Pollution in Derby and other Green Forum matters

Climate Lobby of new Parliament June 17

ftlo march eventSpeak Up For Climate Mass Lobby of Parliament

Organised by The Climate Coalition. At Westminster on 17 June.

Join thousands of people as they descend on Westminster for a day of action on climate change. Celebrate all the things you love that could be affected by climate change, hear from some fantastic speakers – and be part of the UK’s biggest ever climate change lobby.

We are trying to book a coach from Derby. Contact us as soon as possible if you are interested.



TTAsavedateReport on TIME TO ACT ON CLIMATE CHANGE rally held on the 19th of November.

Organised by Derby Climate Coalition, chaired, by Keith Burchell.
45 people attended and 12 other organisations.
Everybody said it was a good and useful meeting. The speakers were excellent and it was exceedingly useful to hear how and what the other organisations were doing in relation to Climate Change.

FOR DETAILS click below

Continue reading Report from TIME TO ACT ON CLIMATE CHANGE rally