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Brilliant actions outside Railways stations.



Here is a picture from Derby railway station this morning, January 5.

It shows only one woman in the picture (Nadine from the TSSA), but there were a lot more at the other entrance. In all we had about 15 people including two from the rail unions, an official from Unite, and activist from the FBU and a handful of environmentalists. The leaflets seemed to go down very well. None were thrown to the ground! Lots of people were seen to be reading them.

BBC East Midlands today came down (too early) and filmed some of us and we hope to be on East Midlands today at 6.30 pm. We were  also interviewed on Radio Derby. (Links to follow).

This action was one of about 55 that took place up and down the country. See the report on the People Assembly website.



TTAsavedateReport on TIME TO ACT ON CLIMATE CHANGE rally held on the 19th of November.

Organised by Derby Climate Coalition, chaired, by Keith Burchell.
45 people attended and 12 other organisations.
Everybody said it was a good and useful meeting. The speakers were excellent and it was exceedingly useful to hear how and what the other organisations were doing in relation to Climate Change.

FOR DETAILS click below

Continue reading Report from TIME TO ACT ON CLIMATE CHANGE rally

Council Scrutiny board is intimidated

Supporters may remember that the Council slashed severely the resolution on fracking, in effect saying that this is something that should be considered by the scrutiny board.

Well this met the 21st of October. A paper was prepared, by an officer presumably, and approved by two other officers. Note that officers are very unlikely to let there own views, or politics, to influence the report, therefore resulting in advice about procedures.   Continue reading Council Scrutiny board is intimidated

Time to Act On Climate Change Public Meeting November 19




7 pm, Wednesday, 19 November

St Peters Church (opp BHS)

St Peters Street,  Derby.

Please book your free tickets here

 This will help us deal with catering, but you can phone 07876595993 or email  or just turn up on the 19thContinue reading Time to Act On Climate Change Public Meeting November 19

Recycling and the impact upon greenhouse gas emissions

binvanDerby Climate Coalition has been very concerned with cuts to recycling and the impact upon greenhouse gas emissions. As a result we had a meeting with the relevant director, Paul Robinson, and Councillor Afzaz, who has the remit for waste collection services. Here is the letter we sent September 17  and we are waiting for a reply (Oct 14).

Dear Paul

Thank you very much for coming to the July 30 of Derby Climate Coalition, and for giving us an update on recycling of waste and the links with greenhouse gas emissions. You kindly invited us to follow this up with further questions.



Seven of us went down from Derby(shire) on a mini-bus to the London Peoples Climate Change march, (click here for a picture ) others went independently and others went elsewhere. The front of the march arrived at Westminster about 2 pm. I walked back to the end. It took 50 minutes and I got to the Embankment station. I then went back to the front, by then the rally was ending and many people were leaving. It will have taken about 90 minutes for the march to pass a fixed point. Sometimes 30-40 abreast. So I guessed there were 30,000 people there. Avaaz said 40,000.

Here are some more photos

Avaaz also said there were more than 2,700 demonstrations across the world. And 380,000 people in Manhattan.  The New York Times says the march was “a spectacle even for a city known for doing things big”,.

I believe there were a couple of hundred people in Nottingham (organised at very short notice), 400 or so at Sheffield, a couple of thousand in Manchester (focusing upon fracking and the Labour party conference) and more than two thousand in Bristol and Edinburgh

So all this is absolutely magnificent and should provide a fillip for activists up and down the country. We in Derby came back fired up, determined to do more locally, and to intertwine across the region and nationally. At long last the world might be waking up!

But the London demonstration also highlighted a weakness. There were very few trade union banners on the march. The million climate jobs argument can help provide a bridge.

Peter Robinson

Chair of Derby Climate Coalition


Railways and climate

invest-in-our-planet-20140814-064711264On Tuesday 19 August, we joined forces our friends from  Action For Rail,  Bring Back British RailWe Own It,  the Campaign against Climate Change and the new All on Board campaign to protest against rail price increases increases in the New Year. Hence about 15 of us handed out leaflets at Derby railway station, and the same thing happened at more that 60 stations. Our protest was shown on BBC Midlands TV, and Nadine Rae, from the railway union the TSSA, was interviewed.

We also displayed the above A2 poster which has been produced by the TSSA in conjunction with the Campaign against Climate Change. 

The message, as you can see, is that in order to combat global warming  it is necessary to invest in railways.  85% of global CO2 transport emissions  come from cars, planes and trucks.  Planes produce eight to eleven times the CO2 of high speed rail and lorries emit about six times more CO2 than trains for every ton carried. Radical improvement to the rail services are required if we are going to replace air and road travel.

Copies of this poster are available; all you have to do is email us.

Out now! Guide to unconventional fossil fuels

To the Ends of the Earth: A Guide to Uconventional Fossil Fuels

Corporate Watch’s new cutting edge report provides the most comprehensive and accessible guide yet to unconventional fossil fuels.

From the dangers of fracking to the devastating effects of tar sands extraction, this guide brings together everything you need to know about unconventional fossil fuels in one place for the first time.

Support Derby City Council in its stand against Fracking

We in Derby Climate Coalition are opposed to fracking for one reason above all: the impact on Greenhouse Gas emissions. To have any hopeof avoiding runaway climate change the world needs to wean itself off fossil fuels and invest in a renewable energy infrastructure.

There are many other reason to oppose fracking; some are shown on the attached leaflet. But we want to draw your attention to the fact that Derby City Council are debating this motion (on Wednesday 11 June 2014 at 11.00 am) at their Annual Meeting.