Derby City Council It has set up a city Climate Commission with a core Group overseeing and supporting the work of 4 ‘action hubs’ tasked with identifying, progressing and implementing initiatives with the primary purpose of reducing the city’s carbon emissions.
Initially the Action Hubs will address the following areas:
- Transport
- Industry and business
- Housing
- Community
The first 3 have been chosen on the basis that these sectors are the worst ‘offenders’ with regards to the City’s carbon footprint whereas the fourth group acknowledges the important role that local interest/voluntary groups already play and can bring to the table. The formation of the Action Hubs should not duplicate existing networks but should add value to the climate conversation with an action orientated remit. Hence Derby Climate Coalition was asked to set up the Community Hub.
This has been done, and we have established the following remit
- Engage everyone living in Derby in helping to tackle climate change to explore lower carbon options, including heating, travel, waste and food
- Promote and develop an action plan for communicating climate change and supporting practical initiatives
- Develop core messages focussed on different audiences, including faith communities and the education sector, that can be used to help engage groups and individuals
- Build on existing educational strengths and promote knowledge transfer through the taught curriculum, placements and research.
- Contribute to a net gain in biodiversity and increase engagement with our natural environment
While the issue of the climate emergency is extremely political the hub is non-partisan and as such does not support any political parties. Participants are united by the need to take action over the climate emergency. People from all backgrounds are welcome.
For further information email