Magnificent March on March 7


On Saturday March 7 a coachload from Derbyshire marched with 25,000 others for our climate – and it was a stunning day. Everywhere gorgeous hand-painted banners, placards calling for climate solutions, (even a handmade wind turbine), a sea of campaigners with a giant painting of a wave. As groups arrived from across the UK by the coach-load and melded in a constant stream, the feeling was clear; wherever we’re from, whatever our angle, we’re all involved, all committed. An enormous throng of people jointed the anti-fracking protest with a huge Mr Frackhead puppet created by FOE. (You can see it, in this lovely short film of the march), The sun shone, our spirits soared – the collective momentum was palpable.

Over in Westminster all was eerily silent; are our leaders listening? HellOOO ?!
Our voice is getting louder. Today perhaps our politicians and potential candidates are a little more aware that we mean business, that we’ll not let up until they meet the climate challenge.

In case they think we’ll go quiet amid the bedlam of the election, we have actions coming up which will be a constant earache to them, culminating in a mass lobby of Parliament on 17 June.

We are trying to promote FaceBook (and some of us fogies trying to learn how to use it) so please search for Derby Climate Coalition in FaceBook, befriend us and tell your friends.

Lets continue to build a bigger, stronger climate movement than ever before – are you in?

Reg Hand

Secretary of Derby Climate Coalition

P.S. Thank you for the generous donations from Derby Trades Council and from those of you who were not able come on the coach.


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