Category Archives: climate

Launch of anti-fracking group in Amber Valley


The above shows David Burley, a campaigner from South Yorkshire, speaking at an anti-fracking meeting  last Wednesday in Amber Valley to about 50 people in Alfreton.

This part of Derbyshire is ‘pitted’ with small ex-coal mining towns. The meeting was supported by Derby Climate Coalition, Unite the Community and Amber Valley 38 Degrees. The talk was excellent, as was the discussion. The next meeting will take place at 7pm on the 30th March. The venue is to be confirmed.

The campaigners are organising a petition: please sign here

Sceptical about climate change? Just consider December’s weather

We think this article from Tuesday’s Independent is rather fine:Silk Mill flooding

As flooded homes painfully dry out, we should reflect and wake up to the broader truth, based not on computer predictions but the evidence in front of us, that we are entering a new climatic age.

Public perception of a changing world is sometimes slow to materialise, unless it is jolted by exceptionally violent events. Once the first atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in August 1945 there was no doubt that humanity was in a different place; and similarly, the fall of New York’s twin towers in September 2001 unmistakably signalled a new world order.  Continue reading Sceptical about climate change? Just consider December’s weather

Question to Derby City Council about pension fund investments in Fossil Fuels

We are putting the following question to the full meeting of the Council on 6 pm, 25 November 2015.Divest_derbyshire

Considering that 80% of all known fossil fuels must stay in the ground to avoid warming by more than 2 degrees as well as the need to ensure Pension funds are not left in these potentially stranded assets, will the Council recommend that the Derbyshire County Council Pension Fund

  • Immediately freeze any new investments in fossil fuels?
  • Divest from direct ownership and any commingled funds that include fossil fuel public equities and corporate bonds within 5 years


Continue reading Question to Derby City Council about pension fund investments in Fossil Fuels

Chair of Independent Committee on Climate Change speaks in Derby


On Thursday November the 5th John Selwyn Gummer – now Lord Deben – addressed a meeting of more than 100 people at Derby Cathedral.  An outspoken voice on climate change, Lord Deben chairs the Independent Committee on Climate Change and will be representing the UK at the Paris 2015 conference.

Continue reading Chair of Independent Committee on Climate Change speaks in Derby

Peoples Climate March in London November 29

zzzOn the 29th of November there will be marches, throughout the world,  around the UN climate talks in Paris. Derby Climate Coalition is supporting the London march. Our coach leaves Belper at 8.30 am and Derby Full Street at 9.00 am. It is expected that we will sell most tickets at £7.50 but if you can afford it please buy the full price ones and there area few £1 tickets.

Details are subject to fine tuning and further information will be sent out to those who register. Please register here:

Climate Lobby of new Parliament June 17

ftlo march eventSpeak Up For Climate Mass Lobby of Parliament

Organised by The Climate Coalition. At Westminster on 17 June.

Join thousands of people as they descend on Westminster for a day of action on climate change. Celebrate all the things you love that could be affected by climate change, hear from some fantastic speakers – and be part of the UK’s biggest ever climate change lobby.

We are trying to book a coach from Derby. Contact us as soon as possible if you are interested.


Magnificent March on March 7


On Saturday March 7 a coachload from Derbyshire marched with 25,000 others for our climate – and it was a stunning day. Everywhere gorgeous hand-painted banners, placards calling for climate solutions, (even a handmade wind turbine), a sea of campaigners with a giant painting of a wave. As groups arrived from across the UK by the coach-load and melded in a constant stream, the feeling was clear; wherever we’re from, whatever our angle, we’re all involved, all committed. An enormous throng of people jointed the anti-fracking protest with a huge Mr Frackhead puppet created by FOE. (You can see it, in this lovely short film of the march), The sun shone, our spirits soared – the collective momentum was palpable.

Over in Westminster all was eerily silent; are our leaders listening? HellOOO ?!
Our voice is getting louder. Today perhaps our politicians and potential candidates are a little more aware that we mean business, that we’ll not let up until they meet the climate challenge.

In case they think we’ll go quiet amid the bedlam of the election, we have actions coming up which will be a constant earache to them, culminating in a mass lobby of Parliament on 17 June.

We are trying to promote FaceBook (and some of us fogies trying to learn how to use it) so please search for Derby Climate Coalition in FaceBook, befriend us and tell your friends.

Lets continue to build a bigger, stronger climate movement than ever before – are you in?

Reg Hand

Secretary of Derby Climate Coalition

P.S. Thank you for the generous donations from Derby Trades Council and from those of you who were not able come on the coach.



TTAsavedateReport on TIME TO ACT ON CLIMATE CHANGE rally held on the 19th of November.

Organised by Derby Climate Coalition, chaired, by Keith Burchell.
45 people attended and 12 other organisations.
Everybody said it was a good and useful meeting. The speakers were excellent and it was exceedingly useful to hear how and what the other organisations were doing in relation to Climate Change.

FOR DETAILS click below

Continue reading Report from TIME TO ACT ON CLIMATE CHANGE rally

Recycling and the impact upon greenhouse gas emissions

binvanDerby Climate Coalition has been very concerned with cuts to recycling and the impact upon greenhouse gas emissions. As a result we had a meeting with the relevant director, Paul Robinson, and Councillor Afzaz, who has the remit for waste collection services. Here is the letter we sent September 17  and we are waiting for a reply (Oct 14).

Dear Paul

Thank you very much for coming to the July 30 of Derby Climate Coalition, and for giving us an update on recycling of waste and the links with greenhouse gas emissions. You kindly invited us to follow this up with further questions.